Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Creating Ripples

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples." - Mother Teresa 

Of all the places I have been in my life Baja is one of the most special. In fact, I think it now resides in the #1 spot.  This place full of mystique and intrigue and unique biodiversity. The knowledge I gained from the incredible folks and lifelong friends I shared the experience with has impacted me in a greater way than I can express; it has caused ripples. I think of Baja as the first stone cast and I cannot wait to see the ripples that continue to spread.

As I began this blog I thought of the list of "firsts" a couple of us came up with on our journey home. I am never going to remember them all, but I will name a few. 
  • First time swimming with Whale Sharks
  • First time taking a stats class (for me)
  • First time sleeping outside in the desert
  • First time scorpion hunting at night (or ever)
  • First time getting Chain-linked cholla in my butt
  • First time eating Old Man Fruit
The list could go on and on. I just felt so lucky to be in the presence of such wonderful people from our fearless leaders, to our sage hosts, and to our knowledgable facilitators and classmates. I couldn't imagine a better place to try new things.
I felt like a sponge; I wanted to absorb it all. I wanted to learn as much as I could about the ethnobotany from Rafael. I wanted to hear Rafe, Jan, Meghann, and Rafael talk for hours about what they knew of the land and life around them.  I almost became paralyzed by all the questions I wanted answered and all answers to which I did not even have questions. I had a tough time writing in my journal because the experiences I had were so rich and rewarding and I greedily tried to grab them all. Again ripples. I was placed in Baja, a ripple came from Raphael, from Jan, from Rafe, from Meghann, from the whole family and the other students on the trip. As I write I visualize a rainstorm on a lake. The raindrops were planted (us) and the ripples dispersed from each of us, creating this body of water that will go forth to help the Earth in countless ways.
As I think of the places we traveled in Baja I want to help preserve these locations for future people (especially Dragonfly folks). I want to cast my own stone.  I think of the research and conservation efforts already under way that have the potential to do wonders in creating ripples. I now look at my own community with a new perceptive and drive to do the same. As I explore my surroundings I want to share this new knowledge with others and the specific conservation efforts we can take part in. I think this is a major theme I learned in this course; sharing knowledge and value. I want other to see the value of our surroundings and collaborate to conserve. I want to find same excitement and energy I had in Baja and cast my own stones to create similar ripples. Throughout my search I am creating my own list of "firsts" in a different environment and hope to share my results causing ripples of my own. 

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